Senin, 22 Maret 2010

Selling Expired Domains Enriched With Traffic

Expired domain traffic is the current flavor and a favorite buzzword for almost every other domain trader. An expired domain with a considerable amount of expired traffic is an added bonus to your domain-trading endeavor. Traffic associated with an expired domain could be the lifeline of that domain, and when you use it properly and in a systematic manner, you can reap a rich harvest and hefty profits by selling the domain along with its traffic. Expired domain traffic is a visual indicator for the commercial success of a web site; more the traffic means more business, more visitors and a large number of incoming links.One of the prominent goals of a webmaster who is holding an expired domain based web site is to enhance and develop meaningful traffic to the web site. Traffic to a web site also means an added value to the site and people looking to buy web portals or expired domains need plenty of traffic and inbound links. If you feel that you have an expired domain with plenty of traffic, then you can try to sell it off to make some handsome profits. Here are some golden tips and suggestions that will help you understand how you can sell your expired domains studded with traffic:Once you understand the real principles of expired domain traffic and inbound links, it becomes very easy to start a selling process by finding good customers. There are actually two ways of dealing with your domain:a) Sell the entire set of expired traffic to an interested web master for a decent price. You can even demand very high price for your domain, when the domain in question has plenty of traffic and inbound links. Webmasters always need highly quality links and traffic and not just any ordinary traffic generated out of casual and cross visits.b) Another costly, but lucrative alternative would be to develop a web site on the expired domain and sell it to the highest bidder. Experienced domain traders make it a habit to flip their domains into a big money-spinner by transforming them to a paying web portal. Though a long drawn flipping process, this is a profitable venture with a decent probability of earning plenty of money.c) If you have an expired domain that had an active listing on popular search directories lime Yahoo or DMOZ, you can expect to earn a large amount of money. These search engines charge a subscription joining fees, while you may need to pay a hefty amount of almost $199 to list your portal in their engine. These domains can fetch an extraordinary sum because of their premium value.d) Yet another innovative program is to introduce your expired domain to a highly profitable affiliate or PPC program, earn some money and later show to prospective buyer that it is making some amount of money. Affiliate marketing provides you an opportunity to have a system of blind linking. A number of domain traders use this unique system to add value (in terms of expired traffic) to their domains. Trading multiple expired web domains is still more profitable and lucrative, when you enter into a mutual business partnership with a single PPC search engine. Pooling of your expired domains will help you streamline or guide your business in a profitable way.Before selling off your domains, you will need to ensure that the type and quality of expired traffic and inbound links. A genuine organic type of expired domain traffic coming to your site is probably the best type of traffic, and a domain with such a type of traffic could provide you unlimited internet riches.John Khu is an author and also a seasoned professional with vast experience in expired domain name business. He is the owner of the path breaking web site called which provides complete and up-to-date information on expired domains and their eternal secrets.Article Source:

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