Senin, 22 Maret 2010

Simple Tips to Help You Improve Your Memory Dramatically

Throughout this article I will be discussing several simple yet effective memory improvement techniques. Quick tips that will help you to increase comprehension of what you read as well as a greater understanding of the information you digest. Through the help of these memory improvement techniques you will be able to use your study time efficiently and make the most of the information you want to take in.
Step 1 - Preview your material. Previewing your material helps you gain a greater understanding of what lies ahead in the text you are about to read, and prepares your mind for the topics it is about to engage in. You can preview the material you are going to be studying by looking at the titles of each chapter of a book for example, or skimming through the subheadings in an article. You are just trying to get an overall viewpoint here of what the topic is going to be about and how it relates to what you already know and what you want to learn.
Step 2 - Select the sections you feel are most relevant and read through them first, but make sure you do not miss out any crucial information that relates to the sections you have selected. However, books are usually compiled in a logical order, so most of the time you will find it more effective to read through the material as you normally would, starting from the beginning, right through tot the end.
Step 3 - If you feel you have not quite grasped the topic or think you have missed out some important information, quickly review in your head what you have just read, and then move onto what you missed out.
Step 4 - Review what you have read. Read through the chapter titles or subheadings again and remind yourself what you learned from each. Right now it may be important for you to take notes, so making a mind-map would be a way to organize your thoughts.
Memory improvement is not difficult at all, as you can see from my Memory Improvement and Genius Brain Training pages, as long as you take the right steps and keep practicing consistently you will see a great improvement in your memory and reading comprehension.
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