Senin, 22 Maret 2010

Develop Your Time Management Skills to Better Manage Your Life

The basic idea of time management is to develop SKILLS to utilize time more effectively. The amount of time had been cast in stone for all of us; no one could increase or decrease it; we all have 24 hours a day, no more no less. And the number is always trickling down... No one can stop it. The pressure of the passing of time and feeling of wasting it are the main reason why people feel that they're running out of time.Therefore, having the skills to use our time effectively is key to time management. Some examples of the skills required to manage time properly are goals setting, planning, organizing and scheduling.Set Goals and Craft Your Road Map.Ever wonder why there are people who seem to know exactly what to do every single day? The answer is because they have their goals set. Having goals are very important, they are your road maps so you know where you want to go and what you want to accomplish in your life. It's like when you're hopping on a bus; first, you need to know where you're heading to and then catch the right bus that will bring you to your destination. If you don't know where you want to go, you can just hop into any bus because it doesn't matter where you will arrive if you don't where you're going.Having goals in your life also help you focus your energy on activities that are important to you rather than squandering your time doing things that are not important.Develop Habit To Plan And Schedule Your Time.I find it very useful to invest 30 minutes to an hour planning and scheduling my activities for the day. It may seem like a waste of time to sit down and plan for things up front, but this can save untold hours later on. While doing your planning and scheduling, do not ignore trivial activities such as exercise and picnic with kids or family.Many people say that they have no time for exercise. You should not think so. The time you spend for exercise is time well spent; it's a good investment. Regular exercise will make you more healthy and sick less. Imagine how much time are wasted when you're sick and not productive? That's why I say time spent for exercise is a great investment.As you can see, your time is actually your life. So if you could manage your time well, you would manage your life well. Remember that we each get the same amount of time every day. There's a lot of time out there and a lot that gets wasted. You will feel that time is always on your side if you have the skills to use it effectively. On the other hand, time seems to slip away from you very quickly if you don't have the skills to manage it.Please visit our site for more time management tips.Go and download our brand new FREE report "Power of Positive Thinking" at our self improvement blog. This little report will help you improve your thinking and make you a more happy person.Article Source:

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